I'll be waiting here sewing songs

Personal Ramblings...

Friday, February 09, 2007

OMG an update.

So, I haven't been here in forever. Lord knows who will even remember that I have a blogger.

Mom passed away on February 7th, it's pretty weird. I can't really say much else because I feel very empty right now.

I made a wishlist at froogle: http://froogle.google.com/shoppinglist?a=SWL&id=a1e6e6cb5f8469334b1553ffa3b57821653349


Thursday, May 12, 2005

You know when you feel like your heart can't ache anymore? Then you hurt more and it doesn't seem that you can ache anymore? That's how I feel right now.
I need comfort.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Sail you home...

Music: 1 000 Oceans
Mood: Broken

I called my Mom tonight to see how she was doing, since she hasn't called me in over a week. She sounded very weak and tired on the phone and she told me she had been in the hospital. Lately she's been in pain and it got so bad that she had to go to the Emergency Room. She was told while she was there that the cancer has spread through her whole body, engulfing her bones. I was devasted as she told me this, as was she. I'm tired and broken.


Music: None
Mood: Meh.

Ugh. I have the worst headache. And I have to leave for work in approximately 19 minutes. I realized the pure shit vibe of Episode I of Star Wars. Man, they really did fuck that movie up-big time. Watching that in comparison with the original trilogy was like rubbing salt in my eyes. Shaun was hating it so much last night that we turned it off half way through. I'll finish it tonight after I get home and clean a bit after work. Then I'll watch Episode II after and then I'll be ready and updated for Episode III that's coming out in May. I seriously can't wait for this movie, it looks so good.

Last night me and Shaun and some friends went out for dinner and had a few drinks, it was fun but expensive-that's okay though, it was Shaun's birthday celebration. His 27th birthday is today. his work called him in to work at 1pm, so he's working 14 hours tonight. Shitty. So to surprise him I got him a chocolate raspberry cake, a frozen pizza for dinner and some of his favourite soda pop-Blue Raspberry Pop...oh and a card too. Happy Birthday Shaun!

Now it's off to work with me!


Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Anakin Skywalker is God...

Someone please explain to me why I'm going through an obsessive phase with Star Wars. I'm mad! I can't wait until Episode III comes out. I bought a 7-11 Slurpee cup specifically because it has a HOT picture of Hayden Christensen as Anakin....

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Ackkkkk! I'm nuts!
*goes back to Return of the Jedi*


Monday, April 25, 2005

You're just too used to my honey....

Well, I did it. I got a blog. Isn't this just like a website that is mostly just ramblings? Yeah.

If anyone wants to help me with a different layout I'd be very happy. I'm planning on making my own, but I suck at HTML. So...help!

Please add me to your blog lists. I'm speaking to the Toriforum crowd. If you'd please leave your blog address too, so I can add you.

Much Love,